Goodstart stories
Goodstart welcomes Sahsha Ghee as new Torres Strait Islander Cultural Liaison
Goodstart are excited to welcome Sahsha Ghee to the organisation as our new Torres Strait Islander C...
Early learning is a highly effective intervention to improve the future lives and education of Australia’s children.
Goodstart believes all of Australia’s children should have continued access to affordable, high quality early learning and care, and actively advocates to government and the community for:
We work closely with The Early Learning and Care Council of Australia, Early Childhood Australia, the Australian Council of Social Services, United Voice, the Australian Childcare Alliance, the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth, and our Founding Members on early learning and care policy issues.
We continue to advocate year-round to government, sector and the community for all Australia’s children. Here is a snapshot of formal responses Goodstart has provided about major government policy, submissions and inquiries over the past few years.
Goodstart Submission – SA Royal Commission - 3YO Preschool - February 2023
Submission - WA Draft Position Statement - Childcare Premises - February 2023
Goodstart continues to advocate for long-term sustainable funding for preschool, we want to ensure that all children accessing kindergarten or preschool in a Long Day Care setting receive a fair share of preschool funding.
Goodstart stories
Goodstart stories
Goodstart are excited to welcome Sahsha Ghee to the organisation as our new Torres Strait Islander C...
Careers and employment
Careers and employment
This year, we are thrilled to honour Melissa Vitucci from Goodstart Griffith – Coolah Street as Good...