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Federal Election 2019 - Affordable child care campaigns

Government and sector

For the first-time in a Federal election campaign the need to make child care and early learning more affordable and accessible are high on the national agenda, even discussed at the final Leaders Debate.

The Coalition’s Plan for Families highlights the nine per cent reduction in out of pocket expenses since the new Child Care Subsidy took effect last July.

Federal Labor has gone even further, with a $4 billion policy to make child care and early learning more affordable for families earning up to $174,527.

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Labor also released a $1.7 billion policy to give all children access to two years of quality early learning in the crucial years before school. The Coalition is offering $450 million to extend funding of preschool programs to the end of 2020 for children in the year before school pending a review.

Labor has also committed to investing in building a stable, professional early years workforce by increasing educators’ wages by 20 per cent over eight years.

The Greens have also released a Child Care and Early Learning commitment to make childcare free for 80% families and abolish the activity test for the Child Care Subsidy.

This is a very exciting time for anyone who cares about Australian children and values early learning.

Goodstart Early Learning chief executive officer Julia Davison says investing in the early years is as important as schooling or higher education in setting up children for success and securing our nation's future.

“The evidence is clear that children who access quality early learning are better prepared to launch into formal learning at school,” she said.

 “Making access to early learning and child care more affordable for low and middle income families recognises that cost should not be a barrier for children who need it most to access early learning.

“Increasing educators’ wages would support the professional workforce our youngest learners deserve while also ensuring early learning is more affordable for thousands of families.

“With just a week to go until polling day we will continue to lobby all candidates to support increased investment in Australia’s children and the educators who make such a difference to their lives,” she said.

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