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Why we invest so much in building relationships

Goodstart stories

Everything we do at Goodstart Early Learning is about putting children first. We have a unique approach to the way we work, which is based on our Goodstart Practice Guide and its ISTEP framework.

The Guide is used by every educator in every centre throughout Australia, although the way in each implements the practices and applies the ISTEP framework, will be unique to their local context, and the children and families in their centre.

ISTEP is a framework which helps our educators plan and observe their daily practices. There are five components, each crucial to early learning outcomes:

  • Interactions and relationships
  • Space, resources and materials
  • Time, routines and rituals
  • Experiences for learning
  • Planning, documentation and evaluation

This is the first in a series of articles which discusses each ISTEP component. Today we’ll be discussing how we plan and guide interactions and relationships, and how it benefits children and families at Goodstart.

Relationships are the key to early learning outcomes

Did you know that research consistently shows young children thrive in early childhood settings where they have positive and secure relationships with those around them?

Strong, supportive relationships help children cope with the challenges and stressors of their everyday lives and help them become more resilient, better at self-regulation and understanding others.

We understand the individual cues of each child

Everything we do at Goodstart Early Learning takes into account the importance of interactions and relationships – among children, between educators and children, among educators, and between educators and families, between families and with our communities.

Our educators pay attention to children’s cues and develop a deep knowledge of individual children – how they think, feel and act – so that they can be truly responsive to each individual child.

We build relationships with our children and get to know their individual, unique preferences and abilities. We also help them develop friendships in which they feel secure and respected.

We’ll also build a strong relationship with you

Our educators and centre directors also want to get to know you! We value your unique knowledge and want to listen to your hopes and aspirations for your child and will be happy to share any concerns. At all times we’ll recognise and reinforce your primary importance in the life of your child.

In our next article, we’ll talk about space, resources and materials and the importance of creating flexible spaces designed to spark your child’s curiosity.

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