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Family Tax Benefit (Parts A & B) explained for 2024-25

Find out more about how much Family Tax Benefit you are entitled to receive from Centrelink each fortnight

Early learning

Article by Yacine Khouzami

Figuring out which family support and allowance payments you may be entitled to from the government can sometimes lead you down a rabbit hole. With cost-ofliving pressures rising, any financial assistance for your family is usually most welcome.  

The main payment offered to families by the government is called the Family Tax Benefit. Depending on your family circumstances, you may be entitled to at least one of the following part payments:

Information contained in this article is a guide. For more detailed information based on your individual family circumstances, visit the Family Tax Benefit webpage on the Services Australia website  

How does Family Tax Benefit A and B work? 

Family Tax Benefit Part A 

The FTB Part A assists with child-rearing expenses, with higher payments available for families with more dependent children.

  • Eligibility: Available to families with children aged 0-19 years. The payment amount depends on the family's income, the number of children, and their ages.
  • Means Test: Payments decrease as family income increases.

Family Tax Benefit Part B

The FTB Part B provides financial support to families with a single income, varying based on income and other factors.

  • Eligibility: Supports single parents or families with only one main income earner, for children aged 0-13 years (or up to 16 years if still in school).
  • Means Test: Eligibility is based on the income of the primary earner in the family.

How much is the Family Tax Benefit? 

Payment rates for the Family Tax Benefit Parts A & B vary based on individual and family circumstances. To estimate what FTB payments you may be entitled to, you should use the calculators on the Services Australia webpage.    

As a guide the maximum rates for the financial year 2024-25 are as follows:  

Maximum rate for FTB Part A for each (fortnightly payment):   

  • $222.04 for a child 0 to 12 years
  • $288.82 for a child 13 to 15 years
  • $288.82 for a child 16 to 19 years who meets the study requirements $71.26 for a child 0 to 19 years in an approved care organisation.

Maximum rate for FTB Part B for each (fortnightly payment):   

  • $188.86 when the youngest child is 0 to 4 years of age 
  • $131.74 when the youngest child is 5 to 18 years of age.

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Am I eligible for the Family Tax Benefit? 

As with most government support payments, you must meet the eligibility criteria. This largely depends on your family income, the number of dependents in your care and whether you are a single parent household.

As a quick guide, the below chart shows whether you may or may not be eligible for an FTB payment.  

However, you should view your eligibility for the FTB Part A and Part B on the Services Australia website.   

Are there any additional family support allowances? 

You may be entitled to additional family support supplements if you meet the required eligibility criteria.   

Can I receive both the Family Tax Benefit as well as the Child Care Subsidy?

Some Australian families are eligible to receive both the Family Tax Benefit and the Child Care Subsidy (CCS). However, it is important to know your estimated family income and activity levels as both the Family Tax Benefit and CCS are means tested. If you underestimate your income, then you may end up owing a balance when it comes to tax time.  

To learn more about receiving the Family Tax Benefit and CCS visit the Services Australia website.    

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