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Goodstart Hurstville Millett Street

18 Millett Street, HURSTVILLE, 2220, NSW
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7:30am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday

Open every weekday of the year, except public holidays

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  • Nursery
  • Toddler
  • Preschool

About our centre

Goodstart Early Learning Child Care Centre Hurstville - Millett Street is a beautiful heritage listed child care centre located in the Hurstville Community, close to buses and train lines, as well as shops, schools and community facilities. 

Our dedicated and passionate educators work hard to ensure that your child has the best support and education while in our care. Our educators along with management support and create an environment that both ensures they feel safe and develop their knowledge on each visit we share.

Our play based, stimulating curriculum is based on the Early Years’ Learning Framework and our rooms – from Nursery to Kindergarten / Preschool – are all geared with this in mind. We also develop colourful, engaging programs accounting for each child’s individual interests, needs and strengths; and with each step we are ensuring the children are ready to take the big step into schooling.
This is made simpler through our intuitive Storypark platform, which enables us to maintain consistent and clear communications with families. That means we are better placed to support a child in their learning journey, ensure parents have peace of mind, and time stamp the children’s developments, milestones and achievements.
Outside, we have age appropriate play spaces and equipment, all geared to enhance the children’s awareness of their surrounds and the greater environment, as well as their understanding of the importance of sustainability. Our three areas have sandpits, garden beds, herb and vege patches, worm farm, mud pit, water tanks, compost bins, decks, a gazebo and lots of shade.

We also have a cook on premises five days a week and we provide breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a late snack. The meals that we provide are healthy and nutritious and we also cater for children who have allergies to certain foods.
Community is also important to us and through visits to the centre and participation in events and activities throughout the year we are able to enrich the learning experience.
Art and music experiences are provided on a daily basis which allow the children to freely express their creativity. We encourage all our families to share their cultures and talents with us to ensure we receive the benefits of our community.

Come in and say hello - we would love the chance to explore how we can set your child on a pathway of lifelong learning.

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When every moment counts, make them Goodstart moments.

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Emily Donnan

Centre Director

My name is Emily Donnan and I am delighted to be the new Centre Director and Nominated Supervisor at Goodstart Hurstville -Millet Street.

I have been an educator/teacher with a Proficiency for over 25 years and I have been fortunate to be a leader for 20 years in in a range of roles and settings across Sydney and regional NS during this time. My professional learning consists of an Associate Diploma in Early Childhood, Bachelor of Teaching in Early Childhood, A Certificate in Assessor Skill Set and a Certificate in Mentoring and Coaching in the workplace.

Every child in my care is a high priority to me and I will always strive to focus on health, safety, and wellbeing at the center, but I also love to create fun and inspirational play spaces for the children to explore, develop skills and learn. Every day as an educator, teacher and leader is a privilege and the role we have with children’s learning and development will shape them lifelong. I want the children to want to attend every day and run into the centre to their friends and as they grow older remember that their first place of learning, Goodstart Hurstville-Millet Street, was their favourite place with their special teachers and friends.

My teaching philosophy and leadership style  is guided by various theories including the circle of security model to build strong reciprocal relationships with everyone, using play as tool for learning, Reggio Emilia principles to recognise and respect each child’s way of learning and the impact the environment has on this, teachers scaffolding children’s learning  to extend a child’s ability, and looking at the whole child’s world around them to plan and support. 

As a mother of 2 girls who have also been enrolled in early childhood centres when they were younger, I am passionate about supporting the whole family as part of our and enrolment process and creating a strong community with high levels of family involvement.

For me the team of educators and teachers are paramount and the core of the of the centre operations, with each and every educator having an important role.  I see my role as the Centre Director to coach, mentor, and guide the team whilst ensuring we uphold the Goodstart Foundations and Vision and meet the Early Childhood Regulations every day.

I look forward to meeting with new families from  the local community and welcoming them into our beautiful centre for a tour to discuss education and care for their children, and being supported by our amazing team of educators.

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