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Beach clean up gets families moving

Goodstart centres

Millions of tonnes of rubbish enter our oceans each year and much of this waste ends up on our beaches, posing a real threat to wildlife and a hazard to our health.

To help children better understand the importance of nature conservation and the impact of throwing waste into the sea, Goodstart Early Learning Osborne has hosted a beach clean-up day.

Goodstart Osborne centre director Amy Boundy said the clean-up provided plenty of learning opportunities for the children.

“Encouraging children to learn about environmental and conservation issues helps them value, respect and actively protect our environment for current and future generations. So getting them involved in cleaning our beloved beach is a great hands-on activity to engage their minds and increase their engagement with the natural environment,” Ms Boundy said.

It was surprising how much litter we found on the beach. Nature conservation is something we want to do more of at our centre so we plan on making the beach clean-up a regular thing.”

“We’re always planning new and exciting initiatives at our centre, so the children are always learning and exploring new things. We recently had a special visit from the Julian Burton Burns Trust to teach children about burn safety, and held a family barbeque event which was a great way to connect with and learn more about the community,” Mrs Boundy said.  

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