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Goodstart Nollamara

330 Flinders Street, NOLLAMARA, 6061, WA
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6:30am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday

Open every weekday of the year, except public holidays

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  • Nursery
  • Toddler
  • Kindergarten

About our centre

Goodstart Early Learning Child Care Centre Nollamara is a community based long day care service, situated along Flinders Street in Nollamara, we are in close proximity to a great range of public recreation areas and reserves, and are centrally located near the local primary schools.

We are a three room centre, boasting large spacious indoor learning environments and lots of natural light. We have a passion for natural elements within our learning environment, including both indoor and outdoor spaces.

At Goodstart Nollamara we pride ourselves on being a family friendly centre, focused on providing a warm, loving and inviting environment for all of our children and families. We endeavour to ensure children are being encouraged to learn new skills and strengthen abilities through our weekly curriculum.  

We provide an educationally rich program, in line with the Early Years' Learning Framework, for the children with a focus on environment based play and learning opportunities. Through group and individual observations we are able to track each child's development and tailor our curriculum and planning accordingly, we also welcome family and community input into our weekly curriculum.

Our centre was assessed by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority and we received an overall rating of ‘Exceeding’. This process is a National Framework, which rates all Childcare Centres across Australia against the National Quality Standards.

Our rooms are all geared with colourful, engaging programs accounting for each child’s individual interests, needs and strengths; and with each step we are ensuring the children are ready to take the big step into schooling.
This is made simpler through our intuitive Storypark platform, which enables us to maintain consistent and clear communications with families. That means we are better placed to support a child in their learning journey, ensure parents have peace of mind, and time stamp the children’s developments, milestones and achievements.
We have carefully designed outdoor spaces to encourage a stronger understanding of the environment and sustainability – while giving children the scope to explore, play and let their imaginations roam.

We feel that children need to develop a relationship with natural elements to develop an appreciation for our earth and the materials and resources it provides us. Through this we engage our children in a love and respect for natural environments and engage them in sustainable practices.

We have an incredible centre cook who has developed our weekly menu to support the children and families within our service, providing a variety of cultural options every day to the children in our care. Mealtimes within our centre are treated as a social event, allowing children to explore a variety of skills including turn taking and social interactions.

Our educators use this opportunity to educate the children on healthy eating habits, while role modelling appropriate behaviours and self-help skills. We will always endeavour to cater for families with special dietary needs such as food intolerances, allergies and Halal meat.

Our child care centre has many educators and families from different cultural backgrounds including Chinese, German, Italian, African, Australian, Irish, Polish, Korean, Indian and Thai.  The educators often share their language with the children and this can also assist new children and families to settle into the service. We encourage families to share their cultural heritage.

Our families are always encouraged to take part in special events and daily centre life. We have an 'Open Door Policy' where we invite parents to spend time in the centre during the day. We believe this helps the children to settle into our environment, and form strong and lasting relationships with carers and other children.
At Goodstart Early Learning Nollamara we spend magical days together playing, exploring, growing, learning and we can’t wait to invite you into our community.

Enrol now at Goodstart Nollamara

For vacancies, please call our centre

Call 08 9349 9329

Juliana Circelli

Centre Director

Hi there! My name is Juliana, I am from Brazil and I am the Centre Director here at Goodstart Nollamara.

I have worked with Goodstart for more than 5 years and I have been in the industry for more than 10 years. I have worked various roles and across all age groups which has allowed me to gain valuable knowledge and experience.

I am a Mum of one little girl and 2 cats.

Being a leader allows me to do what I love - help my team develop, build their capabilities, and achieve their goals.

I have a passion to watch children grow and develop in their first years of life. Our role is so important as we guide the children in our care to become confident, independent, and capable learners and provide them with a supportive, communicative and nurturing environment every single day.

I look forward to meeting you and welcoming you into our Goodstart Nollamara family.

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